Ebs config.ini — различия между версиями

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Строка 30: Строка 30:
#session_timeout = 86400; int - Время аренды DHCP адреса, отдаваемое клиенту в AccessAccept пакете
#session_timeout = 86400; int - Время аренды DHCP адреса, отдаваемое клиенту в AccessAccept пакете
#dict_list = dicts/dictionary,dicts/dictionary.microsoft,dicts/dictionary.mikrotik; string - comma-separated list of dictionary filenames
#dict_list = dicts/dictionary,dicts/dictionary.microsoft,dicts/dictionary.mikrotik; string - comma-separated list of dictionary filenames
#common_vpn = false; boolean - common vpn
#common_vpn = false; boolean - common vpn #Игнорировать настройки способа доступа в тарифном плане(не делать различия между pptp/pppoe/l2tp)
#ignore_nas_for_vpn = false; boolean - ignore NAS for VPN
#ignore_nas_for_vpn = false; boolean - ignore NAS for VPN # Разрешить авторизацию пользователя на любом сервере доступа
#max_datagram_len = 4096; int - bytes - datagram length
#max_datagram_len = 4096; int - bytes - datagram length
#auth_port = 1812; int - authentification port
#auth_port = 1812; int - authentification port
Строка 43: Строка 43:
#eap_access_types = 802.1x:eap-tls,pptp:eap-md5,pppoe:eap-md5; string - comma-separated list of colon-separated pairs, access type - default EAP type dictionary
#eap_access_types = 802.1x:eap-tls,pptp:eap-md5,pppoe:eap-md5; string - comma-separated list of colon-separated pairs, access type - default EAP type dictionary
#poll_timeout = 500; int - milliseconds - poll timeout
#poll_timeout = 500; int - milliseconds - poll timeout
#ignore_nas_for_dhcp = False #Принимать запрос на dhcp авторизацию от любого доступного сервера доступа
#sqllog_flush_timeout = 60 # Период сброса в базу данных накопленной информации о удачных/неудачных автризациях
#enable_sqllog = True #Разрешить завись в базу данных информации о автризациях
#sqllog_succes = True #Разрешить логирование удачных авторизаций
common_vpn = False
common_vpn = False
ignore_nas_for_vpn = False
ignore_nas_for_vpn = False
Строка 57: Строка 61:
#transactions_per_day = 24; int
#transactions_per_day = 24; int # Количество списаний в сутки по периодическим услугам со списанием денег в течении расчсётного периода.
#vpn_sleep = 60; int - seconds - vpn thread sleep
#vpn_sleep = 60; int - seconds - vpn thread sleep#
#periodical_sleep = 180; int - seconds - periodical services thread sleep
#periodical_sleep = 180; int - seconds - periodical services thread sleep
#timeaccess_sleep = 60; int  - seconds - access by time thread sleep
#timeaccess_sleep = 60; int  - seconds - access by time thread sleep
Строка 69: Строка 73:
log_level= 0
log_level= 0
log_ident= ebs_core
log_ident= ebs_core
#ssh_backend = ssh $username@$host "$command"
#ssh_backend = ssh $username@$host "$command"
commandstring_ip_delimeter =,
#nfr_session = SET synchronous_commit TO OFF; string - comma-separated list of nfr stat session init queries
#nfr_session = SET synchronous_commit TO OFF; string - comma-separated list of nfr stat session init queries
#save_dir = '.'; string - directory to save data on graceful save
#save_dir = '.'; string - directory to save data on graceful save
Строка 101: Строка 100:
#sock_type = 0; int - socket type: 0 - inet, 1 - unix; unix sockets are for test only
#sock_type = 0; int - socket type: 0 - inet, 1 - unix; unix sockets are for test only
sock_type = 0
sock_type = 1
#deprecated, use 'sock_type' instead
#deprecated, use 'sock_type' instead
usock = 0  
usock = 0  
Строка 124: Строка 123:
#nfr_host = #required# if sock_type = 1
#nfr_host = #required# if sock_type = 1
nfr_host = /var/ebs_nfr_ux
nfr_host = /var/run/ebs_nfr_ux
host = /var/ebs_nfr_ux
host = /var/run/ebs_nfr_ux
Строка 137: Строка 136:
#read_dir = #dump_dir#; string - directory to read data from
#read_dir = #dump_dir#; string - directory to read data from
#save_dir = '.'; string - directory to save data on graceful save
#save_dir = '.'; string - directory to save data on graceful save
#prefix = #name + '_'#; string - dump file prefix
#prefix = #name + '_'#; string - dump file prefix
#cache_dicts = 10; int - number of mini-mod_hash dictionaries
#cache_dicts = 10; int - number of mini-mod_hash dictionaries
#host =; string - host to listen on
#host =; string - host to listen on
#port = 9996; int - port to listen on
#port = 9996; int - port to listen on
#file_pack = 300; int - number of packs in dump files
#file_pack = 300; int - number of packs in dump files
#packet_pack = 37; int - number of packs in packets
#packet_pack = 37; int - number of packs in packets
Строка 150: Строка 146:
#nf_time_mod = 20; int - seconds - round down incoming packe time by...
#nf_time_mod = 20; int - seconds - round down incoming packe time by...
#max_sendbuf_len = 10000; int - max sender buffer length
#max_sendbuf_len = 10000; int - max sender buffer length
check_classes = 1
check_classes = 1
log_type = logging
log_type = logging
Строка 160: Строка 155:
#flow_dir = temp #Папка для записи сырой NetFlow статистики
#write_flow = True #Разрешить запись сырой NetFlow статистики
write_flow = True
write_flow = True
flow_dir = temp
flow_dir = temp  
#flow_dir = /var/flow
#flow_dir = /var/flow
flow_time = 20
flow_time = 20
Строка 175: Строка 172:
flow_mail_email_from = info@provider.com
flow_mail_email_from = info@provider.com
flow_mail_warning_template = ""
flow_mail_warning_template = ""
Строка 189: Строка 183:
#Настройки для скрипта уведомления о балансе.
log_type = logging
log_type = logging
log_file = log/sendmail_log
log_file = log/sendmail_log

Текущая версия на 13:43, 10 февраля 2011

Файл конфигурации биллинг-системы ExpertBilling 1.4 с пояснениями

[db] # секция настроек подключения к базе данных
name = ebs # имя базы данных
username = ebs # имя пользователя базы данных
password = ebspassword # пароль пользователя базы данных
host = # ip адрес сервера базы данных
port=5432 # порт сервера базы данны
persistsession = SET synchronous_commit TO OFF; # установка этой опции в ON снижает скорость, но повышает надёжность записи в БД

Описание опций логирования и управления кэшами для секций [radius], [nf], [nfroutine], [core], [rpc].
# #required# - required, default value present - optional
#common options (can be used with [radius], [nf], [nfroutine], [core], [rpc]
#recover = True; boolean - recover saved data after a graceful exit
#cache_time = 60; int - cache renewal time
#name = #default_name#; string - internal name
#piddir = pid; string - directory for pid file storage
#log_type = #required#; string (logging, syslog) - logger type 
#log_ident = 'ebs'; string - ident for syslog logging
#log_level = 0; int [0-4] loging level, 0 - DEBUG, 4 - ONLY CRITICAL
#log_file = #required(for 'logging' type)#; string - log file name
#log_format = '%(asctime)s %(levelname)-8s %(message)s'; string - log message format
#log_filemode = 'a+'; string - (for 'logging' type)  - fopen mode
#log_maxsize = 10485760; int - (for 'logging' type) - max logger file size
#log_rotate = 3; int - (for 'logging' type) - number of log file rotations
#session_timeout = 86400; int - Время аренды DHCP адреса, отдаваемое клиенту в AccessAccept пакете
#dict_list = dicts/dictionary,dicts/dictionary.microsoft,dicts/dictionary.mikrotik; string - comma-separated list of dictionary filenames
#common_vpn = false; boolean - common vpn #Игнорировать настройки способа доступа в тарифном плане(не делать различия между pptp/pppoe/l2tp)
#ignore_nas_for_vpn = false; boolean - ignore NAS for VPN # Разрешить авторизацию пользователя на любом сервере доступа
#max_datagram_len = 4096; int - bytes - datagram length
#auth_port = 1812; int - authentification port
#acct_port = 1813; int - accounting port
#auth_sock_timeout = 5; int
#acct_sock_timeout = 5; int
#auth_thread_num = 2; int - number of authentication threads
#acct_thread_num = 3; int - number of accounting threads
#listen_thread_num = 2; int - number of listen&preprocessing threads
#eap_id_type = eap-md5; default EAP id type
#eap_access_types = 802.1x:eap-tls,pptp:eap-md5,pppoe:eap-md5; string - comma-separated list of colon-separated pairs, access type - default EAP type dictionary
#poll_timeout = 500; int - milliseconds - poll timeout
#ignore_nas_for_dhcp = False #Принимать запрос на dhcp авторизацию от любого доступного сервера доступа
#sqllog_flush_timeout = 60 # Период сброса в базу данных накопленной информации о удачных/неудачных автризациях
#enable_sqllog = True #Разрешить завись в базу данных информации о автризациях
#sqllog_succes = True #Разрешить логирование удачных авторизаций
common_vpn = False
ignore_nas_for_vpn = False
bad_8021x_users_vlan = -1
log_type = logging
log_file = log/rad_log
log_level= 0
log_ident= ebs_rad
ignore_nas_for_dhcp = True
only_one = False

#transactions_per_day = 24; int # Количество списаний в сутки по периодическим услугам со списанием денег в течении расчсётного периода.
#vpn_sleep = 60; int - seconds - vpn thread sleep#
#periodical_sleep = 180; int - seconds - periodical services thread sleep
#timeaccess_sleep = 60; int  - seconds - access by time thread sleep
#limit_sleep = 110; int - seconds - limit thread sleep
#settlement_period_sleep = 120; int - seconds - settlement period thread sleep
#ipn_sleep = 120; int - seconds - IPN thread sleep
#dict_list = dicts/dictionary,dicts/dictionary.microsoft,dicts/dictionary.mikrotik,dicts/dictionary.rfc3576; string - comma-separated list of dictionary filenames 
log_type = logging
log_file = log/core_log
log_level= 0
log_ident= ebs_core
#ssh_backend = ssh $username@$host "$command"

#nfr_session = SET synchronous_commit TO OFF; string - comma-separated list of nfr stat session init queries
#save_dir = '.'; string - directory to save data on graceful save
#group_aggr_time = 300;  int - seconds - aggregation time for group statistics
#stat_aggr_time  = 1800; int - seconds - aggregation time for global statistics
#picker_aggr_time = 300; int - seconds - aggregation time for financial data picker
#stat_dicts  = 10; int - number of mini-mod_hash dictionaries
#group_dicts = 10; int - number of mini-mod_hash dictionaries
#store_na_tarif   = false; boolean - store statistics for inactive tarifs
#store_na_account = false; boolean - store statistics for inactive accounts
#max_datagram_len = 32687; int - maximum incoming packet size
#routine_threads = 3; int -  number of threads for full statistics for packet processing and statistic writing
#groupstat_threads  = 1; int - number of threads for processing/writing group statistics
#globalstat_threads = 1; int - number of threads for processing/writing global statistica
#bill_threads = 1; int - number of threads for processing/writing financial data
#allowed_nf_ip_list =; string - comma-separated list of allowed netflow server IP's
log_type = logging
log_file = log/nfroutine_log
log_level= 0
log_ident= ebs_nfroutine
save_dir = temp

#sock_type = 0; int - socket type: 0 - inet, 1 - unix; unix sockets are for test only
sock_type = 1
#deprecated, use 'sock_type' instead
usock = 0 
dump_dir = nf_dump
recover = 1
recoverAttempted = 0
sock_timeout = 0.1

#nfr_host =; string - nfroutine host address
#nfr_port = 36577; int - nfroutine port number
host =
port = 365

#nfr_host = #required# if sock_type = 1
nfr_host = /var/run/ebs_nfr_ux
host = /var/run/ebs_nfr_ux


#sock_timeout = 5; int - seconds - sender sockets timeout
#aggr_time = 120; int - seconds - max packet aggregation time
#aggr_num = 200;  int - max packet aggregation number
#recover_dump = true; boolean - recover dumped data
#dump_dir = '.'; string - directory to dump data in
#read_dir = #dump_dir#; string - directory to read data from
#save_dir = '.'; string - directory to save data on graceful save
#prefix = #name + '_'#; string - dump file prefix
#cache_dicts = 10; int - number of mini-mod_hash dictionaries
#host =; string - host to listen on
#port = 9996; int - port to listen on
#file_pack = 300; int - number of packs in dump files
#packet_pack = 37; int - number of packs in packets
#check_classes = 0; boolean - pre-check classes
#max_datagram_len = 8192; int - maximum incoming datagram size
#nf_time_mod = 20; int - seconds - round down incoming packe time by...
#max_sendbuf_len = 10000; int - max sender buffer length
check_classes = 1
log_type = logging
log_file = log/nf_log
log_level= 0
log_ident= ebs_nf
save_dir = nf_dump
dump_dir = nf_dump

#flow_dir = temp #Папка для записи сырой NetFlow статистики
#write_flow = True #Разрешить запись сырой NetFlow статистики
write_flow = True
flow_dir = temp 
#flow_dir = /var/flow
flow_time = 20
flow_count = 50
flow_mail_warning = False
flow_mail_subject = EBS billing flow warning
flow_mail_use_tls = False
flow_mail_host = smtp.gmail.com
flow_mail_host_user = 
flow_mail_host_password = 
flow_mail_port = 25
flow_mail_email_to   = admin@ebsadmin.com
flow_mail_email_from = info@provider.com
flow_mail_warning_template = ""

log_type = logging
log_file = log/rpc_log
log_level= 0
log_ident= ebs_rpc
max_users= 10
listen_port = 7771

#Настройки для скрипта уведомления о балансе.
log_type = logging
log_file = log/sendmail_log
log_level= 0
log_ident= ebs_sendmail
subject = Provider information
use_tls = False
send_if_less = 5000
host = smtp.gmail.com
host_user = 
host_password = 
port = 25
email_from = info@provider.com
fail_silently = False